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West Fraser To Acquire Spray Lake Sawmills

West Fraser has announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Spray Lake Sawmills located in Cochrane, Alberta subject to certain post-closing adjustments. Spray Lake Sawmills produces treated wood products, dimensional lumber and a variety of residuals and biproducts, with an annual lumber capacity of 155 MMBF and two Forest Management Agreements granted by the Government of Alberta with a total Annual Allowable Cut of approximately 500,000 m3.

“We are excited to welcome Spray Lake Sawmills to the West Fraser family,” says Ray Ferris, President & CEO West Fraser. “Spray Lake Sawmills has an experienced, dedicated group of employees who we will look to further the legacy of this proud mill. With its solid safety performance, and focus on sustainability and community, the mill is an ideal fit for West Fraser.”

The $140 million Canadian acquisition enables West Fraser to grow its footprint in Southern Alberta and expand its Canadian treated wood business, while providing access to a high-quality timber supply. The transaction is anticipated to close later this year, following completion of Canadian regulatory reviews and satisfaction of customary conditions.

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Remembrances Every Five Years

Always one to have fun with numbers, let’s have some fun now. You’ll notice that this issue marks the 46th time Timber Processing has published the Annual Lumbermen’s Buying Guide. That means the first one was published in 1979. So, beginning with 1979, and in five-year intervals, here are some tidbits that were also published in the Buying Guide in those respective years.

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